Chipotle Avocado Toast With Chopped Bacon

Chipotle Avocado Toast Recipe With Chopped Baconacon

I love bacon. I love avocados. I love pepper. I love the Chipotle Sourdough Bread rounds sold at Winco Foods — they’ve got a kick! But even better, I love them all combined together in the most scrumptious Chipotle Avocado Toast With Chopped Bacon.

I could eat this spicy sourdough bread all by itself, but it’s so much better with toppings!

Sometimes I smash the avocado right onto my toast, but for this, I like a bit more to my avocado. I mash the avocado in a bowl first with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. The slight lemon flavor and the chipotle flavor together are fantastic.

Then there’s the bacon…

About That Bacon

When making my Vanilla Caramel Sourdough French Toast With Fresh Berries the other day, I also decided to try making bacon in the oven for the first time. It was such a huge success (with very little mess), that it’s pretty much the only way I cook bacon these days.

Cooking Bacon In The Oven

Cooking bacon in the oven is really easy. Just preheat your oven to 400 degrees, line your baking sheet with parchment paper, and arrange strips of bacon in one layer across the baking sheet. Cook for 15-20 minutes, checking it often in the final five minutes to avoid burning the bacon.

The best way to do it is to use a convection oven, buy a few packages of bacon, and then cook all of it at one time. Because then you have bacon on hand for wraps, sandwiches, breakfast burritos, and of course, this delicious Chipotle Avocado Toast With Chopped Bacon.

I like my bacon pretty crispy and crunchy, but not overdone, so I if I’m making extra bacon, I cook it for a little less time than normal. That way when I pull a few pieces out of the refrigerator and heat them up in the microwave, the final strips of bacon are perfect!

Chipotle Avocado Toast With Chopped Bacon

Perfect for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even an afternoon snack, this spicy toast will be your new favorite thing.

Chipotle Avocado Toast Recipe With Chopped Baconacon

Prep Time

Cook Time

Total Time


  • Chipotle sourdough bread
  • 1 Avocado
  • Bacon
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Preheat over to 400 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Cover baking sheet in a single layer of bacon strips. Bake for 15-20 minutes, checking it often in the final five minutes to avoid burning the bacon.
  2. While the bacon is cooking, smash the avocado, lemon juice, and salt and pepper together in a bowl and toast the bread.
  3. Coarsely chop the cooked bacon strips. Top the chipotle toast with the avocado mixture and sprinkle with bacon. Serve immediately.


Also great with eggs for breakfast or try adding chopped tomatoes for lunch.

Can't find Chipotle Sourdough? No problem. Get a similar flavor by lightly brushing your toast with olive oil and a light dusting of Chipotle Seasoning or Chipotle Powder.

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