Okay. Not that long ago I made these amazing Garlic Smash Potatoes based on a recipe my daughter’s friend Maya shared with us, and they quickly became my new favorite thing. I’m not kidding. I wanted to eat them with every meal and thank goodness potatoes are allowed in the Whole30, because meals just need a little bit of that starchy goodness.
The Garlic Smash Potatoes were so delicious, that I knew I wanted to make them again, but I also was craving something spicy. Then when browsing the fridge to see what we had on hand, I saw buffalo sauce, and that was it. I knew exactly what I was going to make — Buffalo Smash Potatoes.
Making Spicy Buffalo Smash Potatoes
First, preheat your oven to 425 degrees and line a baking sheet with foil. I never used to use foil, but now I use it EVERY time because then I don’t have to wash the baking sheet! Next, brush the foil lightly with olive oil, or if you have an olive oil spray, spray the foil so the potatoes don’t stick to it.
While the oven is preheating, boil the potatoes to soften them up so they can be smashed easily. When I have time, I always boil the potatoes. But when I’m in a hurry, I quickly poke the potatoes with a fork and pop them in the microwave on the potato setting — it works just as good as boiling without the extra pot!
When the potatoes are done boiling, I place them on the baking sheet and smash them with a small spatula. I use the Pampered Chef Mini Serving Spatula to smash my potatoes and to flip them. I’ve had a few of these for almost 10 years and love them! But, they are a bit pricey. You can get this similar-size Brownie Spatula for over half the price.
Once all of the potatoes are smashed, I brush Tessemae’s Hot Buffalo Sauce, which is Whole30 compliant, over them and put them in the oven to bake. The Tessemae’s Buffalo Sauce tastes exactly like my normal favorite brand, so we’re going to stick with the healthy Tessemae’s Buffalo Sauce pretty much forever.
After 15 minutes, remove the potatoes from the oven, flip them over, and return them to the oven to bake for another 10-15 minutes (red potatoes take longer than the baby yellow creamer potatoes, which are my favorites). If you’re a buffalo sauce lover like I am, brush the potatoes with a little more buffalo sauce after flipping them over to really give them a spicy kick!
To finish the Buffalo Smash Potatoes off and give them a crunchy outside, switch the oven to the broil setting and broil the potatoes for 3-4 minutes before serving.
I first made Buffalo Smash Potatoes to have with breakfast. I love something spicy with my eggs and didn’t want to mix potatoes into my Breakfast Scramble again.
For the next few days, I was seriously dreaming of these Buffalo Smash Potatoes. They are so delicious and I felt like I really needed them again, so we made them for another breakfast the very same week!
One of the reasons I love Smash Potatoes so much is that they are so versatile. So far, I’ve only done Garlic Smash Potatoes and Buffalo Smash Potatoes, but now I’m thinking of trying some other flavors — maybe Barbecue Smash Potatoes, Horseradish Smash Potatoes, or even Spicy Smash Potatoes with a Garlic Aioli. And Natalie wants to try them topped with bacon and cheese!
The other reason why I love Smash Potatoes is that they can be prepared ahead of time. You can boil the potatoes in advance so they are already soft when it comes time to make your meal… or you can boil them and smash them in advance and stick the potatoes in the fridge until it’s time to cook them. I’ve also made LOTS of extra when making them for dinner, so we had ready-to-go Smash Potatoes for breakfast that only had to be reheated.
Buffalo Smash Potatoes
These spicy, delicious potatoes are perfect as a dinner side dish or a breakfast favorite! Plus, you can make them ahead of time.

Prep Time
Cook Time
Total Time
- Baby potatoes
- Olive oil
- Buffalo sauce
- Boil potatoes over medium heat for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are soft. Drain water.
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil and brush with olive oil.
- Place potatoes on the baking sheet and gently smash with a potato smasher. Or smash them lightly with the pointy side of a meat tenderizer and transfer smashed potatoes to the baking sheet.
- Brush buffalo sauce over the potatoes.
- Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven, flip, brush with a little more buffalo sauce, and return to oven to cook for 10-15 more minutes.
- Broil on high for 3-4 minutes. Serve Immediately.
To keep the potatoes Whole30 compliant, we used Tessemae's Hot Buffalo Sauce.